All About African Clawed Frogs

African DWARF Clawed Frogs
About Clawed Frogs
African DWARF Clawed Frogs
Where can I Buy Clawed Frogs?
Rachels Frog Adoption Centre
Housing your Frog
Skin Shedding?
How Big do they Get?
How Long do they Live?
Keeping Them Healthy
How to Tell the Boys from the Girls
What do ACF's sound like?
Breeding Clawed Frogs
Rearing the Tadpoles
Common Diseases
Other Illness
Disease, Illness and Injury Pictures
Disease and Illness in Detail
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Internal Organ Pictures
Endangered Clawed frog: Xenopus gilli
Xenopus Species and Classification
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Some info on Dwarf Clawed Frogs.


African Dwarf Clawed frogs are different from African Clawed Frogs.
Dwarf clawed frogs, as the name suggests are much much smaller than
African clawed frogs.  They have webbed hands and feet where as the
ACF only has webbed feet and not hands. 
DCF's (Dwarf Clawed Frog) eat relatively the same diet as the ACF although they eat a lot less. 
They can be fed on frozen Bloodworm, tubifex worm and smaller pieces of the usual food that
you would feed the ACF's.  ACF's and DCF's can not be kept together in the same tank as the
ACF would soon
make a quick meal of the DCF.  The DCF's can be kept in the
same type of environment as the ACF and they do not need heating
to survive but they do like it.  ACF and DCF should (I feel) always
be kept in groups of at least two as they enjoy company. 
Care for the DCF is almost the same as care for the ACF but just
be wary of large filters and the DCF's legs can be sucked in and
the frog will be badly injured.  Also nets should not be used to
catch DCF's and their toes are almost always broken when you
net them.  Small breaks are not visable but large ones can cripple
the movement of the foot.  Dwarf Clawed frogs suffer from the
same diseases as the ACF and the same treatments can be used
to cure them.  DCF's shed their skin more visably than the ACF
so don't be alarmed if you see your frog with a big bit of white
skin hanging off, as long as it's not bleeding and it's still very active
then your frog is fine and just molting it's skin.  DCF's can be kept
with baby ACF's for a short period while the ACF is small but they
should be separated once the ACF gets larger.  African Dwarf
frogs do not come in the albino form so if some albino frogs at
the local pet store are labelled as Dwarf underwater frogs then
they are not - they are baby African Clawed frogs.
Sexing DCF's can be difficult, you have to have sexually mature
 frogs to be able to sex them.  The males are skinnier and have a
small white lump behind their fore-arms, the females (when healthy)
are much fatter and rounder and lack the small white lump behind
the fore-arms.  Breeding is as the same as the ACF's and the
tadpoles are not filter feeders, and in fact, actively 'hunt' for their food. 
Large fish that are big enough to swallow the DCF should not be
 kept with them (obviously), but small danios, guppys, Bettas and
minnows can be good tank mates.

Breeding and Rearing Dwarf Clawed Frogs

'Hermit' Courtesy of Michelle Stanton.

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