The most common diseases that the clawed frogs suffer from are ' Red Leg Disease' and 'Bloating Disease'. Red leg
is caused by Septicemia (Very Large Infection). The infection is usually caused by several types of bacteria.
Symptoms include swollen red skin on legs and stomach and changes in skin colouration. Open sores and eye sores may
also occur. These will eventually causes death although it can be treated if caught early. Tetracycline or Oxycyline
can be used (100 Mg per Litre of water).
Bloating Disease is when liquid accumulates under and between the skin membranes. This is caused by a bacterial
infection and IS contagious. This disease can be fatal but is treatable if caught early, Suffering frogs should immediately
be separated from other frogs. The early symptoms include loose skin on the thighs and food regurgitation. Bloating
disease is often referred to as Dropsy. Anti-Internal Bacteria tropical fish treatment can be used.