Things NOT to do!:
1)Put unwashed gravel in your tank.
2)Use sharp ornaments or glass.
3)Use metal objects such as coins, these are EXTREMELY poisonous to the frogs.
4) Do not put your frogs in hot water
5)Make sure you treat the tap water, if you use any.
Main, Important things you need to know:
1) Use clean, treated tap, spring or rain water.
2) Temperature Range Tolerated: 68-75 'F
3) Water pH Tolerated: pH 6.5 - 8.5
4) No Salts, Metals or Chemicals.
5) Access to Fresh air is Important.
African Clawed frogs do not needing lighting in their aquarium, although it will not harm them if you do have it and
it will make them easier to see. You should use the correct type of glow tube which you can buy at the pet store, not
too bright or too dull. The light should not be left on for the whole day, you can put it onto a timer for when you
want it to switch off or on.