All About African Clawed Frogs

Skin Shedding?
About Clawed Frogs
African DWARF Clawed Frogs
Where can I Buy Clawed Frogs?
Rachels Frog Adoption Centre
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Skin Shedding?
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Endangered Clawed frog: Xenopus gilli
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Shedding Skin

African Clawed Frogs do shed their skin.  This is perfectly natural.
They replace old skin with new every few weeks when they grow or when it's worn.
It looks like a thin film coming off and they usually eat it after shedding.
Excess skin shedding can be a sign of skin parasties or pollution or chemicals 
in the water.
Healthy Shedding should only take a few minutes and the frog eating it gives it extra
health as the skin contains anti-biotics and good proteins etc.

Frog eating shedded skin, picture courtesy of Geoff Smith.

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