African Clawed Frogs
Clawed Frog Shop


About Clawed Frogs
Where can I Buy Clawed Frogs?
Housing your Frog
How to Tell the Boys from the Girls
Breeding Clawed Frogs
Rearing the Tadpoles
Fish to Keep with My Frog
Skin Colour Variations
Clawed Frog Chat
Clawed Frog Shop

Purchase Items For your Pet Clawed Frog/s!
Most Items at Lower than Pet Shop Prices!
Unfortunately This shop is currently only for UK Customers.  Sorry.
Postage is TOO high for rest of world.

Items Listed Below:
Item Code:              Item Description:                   Price:
#000            Clawed Frog Booklet                        £2.00
#001             King British Tubifex Blocks 35g         £4.00    
#002             Interpet Freeze Dried Bloodworm 4g    £1.10
#003         Interpet Freeze Dried Brineshrimp Blocks      £1.10
#004            Tetra Doromin Food Sticks 30g                   £2.45
            (Made For Fish but Frogs Like them)   
#005         Freeze Dried River Shrimp                            £1.10
#006        Freeze Dried Daphia (For Small Frogs Only)    £1.10
#007             Dried Brown Crickets    (20)                      £1.10
#008             Mealworms          (25)                              £1.10
(Alive or Dead, You choose)
#009           Dried Black Crickets     (20)                    £1.10
#010         Goldfish Food Sticks  4g                           £1.00
(Made for Fish but Frogs like them) 
#011          Interpet Anti-Internal Bacteria Treatment        £3.20
Can be used to treat *Dropsy/Bloating Disease*, Redleg as well as cuts, bruises and abbrasions.
#012           Interpet Methylene Blue                               £3.30
Can be used to *protect eggs*, tadpoles and *injured frogs* from Fungus.
#013         Interpet  General Tonic                                 £3.30
Can be used to perk up sick frogs and keep frogs in general excellent health.
To Place an Order Copy and Paste The form below into a word or similar document and send it to me. 
Please email me with your order and then
You will receive the address to send money and orders to.
Copy/Paste This:
(remember to fill it in!) _________________________________________________
I wish to Pay by    (CASH)         (CHEQUE)  *Please tick appropriate*
MY Order:
QTY:         Item Code:            Description:           Price:             Total:
-                                     P+P:
-                                     TOTAL::
Please make cheques payable to C.P. Aslett 
PLEASE ADD:   £2 P+P For 3 Items or less.
                           £3 P+P For 4/5 Items
                           £7.30 P+P For 6/6+ Items
Any Q's Email

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